Thursday, November 28, 2019

Medea’s choice Essay Example

Medea’s choice Essay G. Show how Medea’s choice of action is as much affected by the fact that she is a stranger among the Corinthians as by the fact that Jason is marrying another woman. (Factor in how Jason’s marriage to a Corinthian princess now makes him an insider. What is his argument with regard to how that will help Medea and their two boys?)With the lamentations of the Chorus alone, the adultery committed by Jason is very well established.   It is by the other factors and circumstances that surround the adultery that pushes Medea to, not only kill Creon and his daughter, but her sons, as well.   Specifically, it was her state of exile and her being an outsider in Corinth that pushed her to despair hence her ultimate act of familicide.From the very beginning of the play, the Chorus sets the mood by discussing the current state of Medea.For Jason hath betrayed his own children and my mistress dear for the love of a royal bride†¦ She, poor lady, hath by sad experience learnt how good a thing it is never to quit ones native land.   (Euripides, I. 1-45)With these two lines at the beginning of the play, the audience is informed of the motivation of the plot of the play.   At the same time, pity is shown to Medea for being a foreigner in a land at a time that this particular travesty occurred.   It is this fact that Medea was a foreigner that aggravated her rage towards Jason.   Initially, Medea was weeping for the crime done to her and her inability to find solace anywhere in Corinth as she was a foreigner and had neither friends nor family in the region as she fully declared in front of the Corinth ladies:For there is no just discernment in the eyes of men, for they, or ever they have surely learnt their neighbor’s heart, loathe him at first sight, though never wronged by him; and so a stranger most of all should adopt a citys views; nor do I commend that citizen, who, in the stubbornnessof his heart, from churlishness resents the citys wil l†¦thou hast a city here, a fathers house, some joy in life, and friends to share thy thoughts, but I am destitute, without a city, and therefore scorned by my husband, a captive I from a foreign shore, with no mother, brother, or kinsman in whom to find a new haven of refuge from this calamity. (I.215-272)This raw emotion was exacerbated by the following incidents after venting out to the Corinth ladies.   After this conversation, Creon arrives and banishes her and her sons out of Corinth for fear that Medea will do harm to himself and his daughter.   This act of banishment, confirms her status as a foreigner in Corinth wherein she had no right to stay in the country and can be exiled if the sovereign so wished.   This pushed Medea into a state of despair as at this point Medea, who after helping Jason to acquire the Golden Fleece and who had burned the bridges because of it, had nowhere to go to once banished.Whither can I turn me now?   To my fathers house, to my own country, which I for thee deserted to come hither? I am become the bitter foe to those of mine own home, and those whom I need neer have wronged I have made mine enemies to pleasure thee. (I. 451-512)Because of the sorrow that exile will cause her children, she pleaded to Creon to allow her a day to make preparations, only to be informed by Jason that her sons will be taken into the palace as adopted sons of Creon’s daughter.   Thus it was only Medea that will be banished.What happier device could I, an exile, frame than marriage with the daughter of the king? Tis not because I loathe thee for my wife-the thought that rankles in thy heart; tis not because I am smitten with desire for a new bride, nor yet that I am eager to vie with others in begetting many children, for those we have are quite enough, and I do not complain. Nay, tis that we-and this is most important-may dwell in comfort, instead of suffering want (for well I know that every whilom friend avoids the poor), and that I might rear my sons as doth befit my house; further, that I might be the father of brothers for the children thou hast borne, and raise these to the same high rank, uniting the family in one,-to my lasting bliss. (I. 512-572)This statement of Jason had totally severed Medea from Corinthian society as well as her family – her last and only sanctuary.   As evidenced by Jason’s statement, the main motivation for him to have married Creon’s daughter was to get a foothold in Corinthian society thus ending his state of exile.   Being an exile like Medea, he believed that the only way to secure a future for his sons was to provide them with a homeland and citizenship.   Initially, as Jason and Medea adventured, they amassed an amount of enemies that made both of them exiles from numerous lands and this state was a commonality that gave refuge to both Jason and Medea – a unifying factor apart from the love that they felt.   The Jason’s a dulterous marriage destroyed this and the adoption of Medea’s sons sealed Medea’s aloneness and expulsion, from society, her family and her refuge.The Chorus recognizes the sorrow brought about by Medea’s complete exile after Medea’s argument with Jason by stating:O my country, O my own dear home! God grant I may never be an outcast from my city, leading that cruel helpless life, whose every day is misery. Ere that may I this life complete and yield to death, ay, death; for there is no misery that doth surpass the loss of fatherland. (I.623-686)Upon initial reading this line would seem disconnected with the scene prior and the rest of the speech of the chorus which focuses on the infidelity of Jason.   But it is this lack of a â€Å"home† that finally pushes Medea to enact her revenge.†¦for I will slay the children I have borne; there is none shall take them from my toils; and when I have utterly confounded Jasons house I will leave the land , escaping punishment for my dear childrens murder, after my most unholy deed†¦ what gain is life to me? I have no country, home, or refuge left. (I. 866-924)â€Å"Jason’s house† serves as a double meaning in this line when Medea states her plot.   Jason’s house in this case means the palace that he will now be living in, symbolizing the royal family that he currently belongs to.   It also means Jason’s stability in the land of Corinth.   Normally to own a house in a land signifies that the owner is a citizen of that land and has every right in owning property in that land.   â€Å"Confounding Jason’s house† would mean destroying his stability in the land that he has adopted.   Finally, it also means that Medea intended to destroy any hopes of Jason to build a family in Corinth.In conclusion, the actions of Medea in exacting revenge is a complete and total act of vengeance that encompasses every single crime that Jason committ ed against her – namely, adultery, expulsion and sequestration of everything Medea held dear.   In consequence, Medea killed his new bride, the cause of his adultery; Creon – the cause of her banishment; and his sons – the symbol of a new future out of exile and an image of home.   All of which represent everything that Jason took away from Medea her marriage, her residence in Corinth and her family which was her refuge and her home.   If Jason, and maybe Creon, did not validate her state of being an outsider and stranger, then maybe she would not have resorted to that heinous act.   However, as she herself had stated, â€Å"what gain is life to me? I have no country, home, or refuge left,† despite her initial hesitancy, she had no alternative course but to kill her own sons.;Reference:Euripides. â€Å"Medea.† Great Books of the Western World: Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, Aristophanes Vol. 5 Ed. Robert Maynard Hutchins. London: William Benton, 1952. 212-223.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Statistics for Leap Day on February 29

Statistics for Leap Day on February 29 The following explore different statistical aspects of a leap year.  Leap years have one extra day due to an astronomical fact about the earth’s revolution around the sun.  Almost every four years it’s a leap year. It takes roughly 365 and one-quarter days for the earth to revolve around the sun, however, the standard calendar year lasts only 365 days. Were we to ignore the extra quarter of a day, strange things would eventually happen to our seasons - like winter and snow in July in the northern hemisphere. To counteract the accumulation of additional quarters of a day, the Gregorian calendar adds an extra day of February 29 nearly every four years. These years are called leap years, and February 29th is known as leap day. Birthday Probabilities Assuming that birthdays are spread uniformly throughout the year, a leap day birthday on February 29 is the least probable of all birthdays. But what is the probability and how could we calculate it? We start by counting the number of calendar days in a four-year cycle. Three of these years have 365 days in them. The fourth year, a leap year has 366 days. The sum of all of these is 365365365366 1461. Only one of these days is a leap day. Therefore the probability of a leap day birthday is 1/1461. This means that less than 0.07% of the world’s population was born on a leap day. Given current population data from the U.S. Census Bureau, only about 205,000 people in the U.S. have a February 29th birthday. For the world‘s population approximate 4.8 million have a February 29th birthday. For comparison, we can just as easily calculate the probability of a birthday on any other day of the year. Here we still have a total of 1461 days for every four years. Any day other than February 29 occurs four times in four years. Thus these other birthdays have a probability of 4/1461. The decimal representation of the first eight digits of this probability is 0.00273785. We could have also estimated this probability by calculating 1/365, one day out of the 365 days in a common year. The decimal representation of the first eight digits of this probability is 0.00273972. As we can see, these values match each other up to five decimal places. No matter which probability we use, this means that around 0.27% of the worlds population was born on a particular non-leap day. Counting Leap Years Since the institution of the Gregorian calendar in 1582, there have been a total of 104 leap days. Despite the common belief that any year that is divisible by four is a leap year, it’s not really true to say that every four years is a leap year. Century years, referring to years that end in two zeros such as 1800 and 1600 are divisible by four, but may not be leap years.  These century years count as leap years only if they are divisible by 400. As a result, only one out of every four years that end in two zeros is a leap year. The year 2000 was a leap year, however, 1800 and 1900 were not. The years 2100, 2200 and 2300 will not be leap years. Mean Solar Year The reason that 1900 was not a leap year has to do with the precise measurement of the average length of earth’s orbit. The solar year, or amount of time that it takes the earth to revolve around the sun, varies slightly over time. it is possible and helpful to find the mean of this variation.   The mean length of revolution is not 365 days and 6 hours, but instead 365 days, 5 hours, 49 minutes and 12 seconds. A leap year every four years for 400 years will result in three too many days being added during this time period. The century year rule was instituted to correct this overcounting.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Management Accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Management Accounting - Essay Example Many individual country studies have been done on the national management accounting practices all over the world (Broomwitch and Wang, 1991; Amat et al, 1994 etc). However, the investor confidence has been deteriorating internationally in the accounting process because of the widespread occurrences of creative accounting and scandal. These two common events have created serious concerns among the investors globally. This has changed the image of management accounting as an objective discipline and showed the political nature of accounting. Many individual country case studies have been done to evaluate the existing management accounting practices globally (Broomwitch and Wang, 1991; Amat et al, 1994; Adlegan, 2000). Given this background, this essay critically evaluates the subjectivity of management accounting and the various images and practice that have shaped the subjectivity debate. The organization of the essay is given below. Section 2 discusses the debate regarding convergen ce to IFRS and true and fair value concept. Section 3 discusses the creative accounting in detail. Section 4 concludes the essay. 2. ... It is argued that the convergence of national accounting standards and IFRS has advantages like internationally comparable financial information with high quality. Moreover, it is supposed to obtain other benefits of globalization (Purvis et al, 1991). At the same time, this has created serious concerns in many nations also in spite of the above-mentioned benefits of financial reporting under IFRS. The main reason for this concern is that though it has many advantages, it may sometimes avoid country-specific interests (Barton, 1999). The internationalization can lead to the emergence of many account setting bodies which can have their own specific interests that can be in conflict with the interests of a particular nation. These groups can have the dominating power in such cases and the specific interests of a nation can be ignored. This has been a debatable issue in the recent years. IFRS has many major requirements, among which the main is the need for fair value reporting of their financial matters by the public companies in their financial statements. Based on this approach, the exchange price estimates need to be the basis for the asset and liability measurement in some cases. These prices need to be in a transaction at present and between parties who are not associated with each other and are known (Landsman, 2006; Ryan, 2008). However, this approach has raised many questions among the different scholars later. There have been many concerns regarding the fair value approach. In case of illiquid markets, the fair values can be obtained only by adjusting for illiquidity. Here, the market to market values or market to model values will be the adjustment done for estimation of fair values (Landsman, 2006).

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Functional Analysis of Capsim Business Simulation Essay

Functional Analysis of Capsim Business Simulation - Essay Example In addition, the paper analyses how each of the functional unit integrates and interacts with other functional units. Finally, the paper provides my recommendations for a business leader in managing a $40 million manufacturing business. The simulation provides a rare chance in experiencing how managing a full business while utilizing the benefits of reports helps in showing the correlations existing between the outcomes in a business and the management decisions (Forgang, 2004). The units of the simulation include production, marketing, finance, research & development (R&D), Human resources and (TQM) total qualities management (Bossche, Gijselaer & Milter, 2011). Production involves the behaviors that firms exhibit at the market places in regards to the creation of goods along with services. This is mainly done for the purpose of satisfying their consumer wants (Dusseau & Wilson, 2010). The production managers involved in a business should engage in comprehending the relationships th at exist between the business inventory levels and their carrying costs along with their market shares (Dusseau & Wilson, 2010). They should also understand the relationship existing between their production capacities and the number of excess hours that their employees have to work to achieve their goals (Sitomer, 2010). This is because a business may end up incurring losses in their operations when their expenses in catering for the overtime hours worked and the cost of this labor exceeds their earnings (Clawson & Haskins, 2006). The production managers in a business will be responsible for producing beneficial results through their efforts of automating the production processes and increasing their manufacturing capacities (Forgang, 2004). Marketing, in a manufacturing environment, refers to the processes through which businesses indulge in creating value for their customers while at the same time building strong relationships with them (Wankel, Arthur & Stoner, 2009). It also in volves creating solutions along with relationships that will either be of long or short term benefit to the business (Dusseau & Wilson, 2010). The marketing manager in a business will be responsible for comprehending the relationship that exists between their margins on prices along with contributions and prices along with demand (Forgang, 2004). They will also be responsible for understanding the relationships existing between the promotions of their budget along with increasing awareness for the business products. The marketing manager and his team should be charged with the task of establishing the business sales budget and accessibility to these funds (Sitomer, 2010). The marketing department in a business may be affected by the new products that are being launched by the research & development departments since they had not been accounted for in their operations and are unknown in the market (Wankel, Arthur & Stoner, 2009). The activities of these departments can also be affect ed by a business’s production capacity along with the costs it incurs in its operations (Dusseau & Wilson, 2010). Finances in a business are used as measures for ascertaining whether a business is making profits on its investments or not. Finances in a business are mainly affected by their time values since they change on a day to day basis (Sitomer, 2010). Businesses allocate their money and assets to certain uses but under conditions of uncertainty or certainty (Bossche, Gijselaer

Sunday, November 17, 2019

INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONAL CASE STUDY Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONAL - Case Study Example The culture of Chinese demands them to take tea as opposed to coffee and this proved to be the first cultural challenge for Nestle. Their culture demands strict trust before conducting businesses with foreigners (Allen, 2009). The trust is earned through complying with their culture, demands and offering them gifts time and again. This proved to be quite a challenge for the company and especially the adoption of Chinese culture in its business. The gift part was against their code of conduct and especially because it was seen as a form of corruption (Hanson and Rothlin, 2010). The code of ethics and conduct of the Nestle Company had to be changed to adopt and accommodate the cultures of the Chinese people or the company would lack support and hence have to move base of operation to another country. China was just starting to succeed and hence Nestle wanted to create a strong base and outdo its competitors. Culture of China demanded that majority of the management of the company had to comprise of Chinese people. This therefore meant a complete change in administrative process as the managers in some positions had to be removed and taken to head other branches in other nations. This process was not only costly but took time to enforce hence delaying the process of Nestle establishing its market niche in the country. China’s cultural demands which need to be enforced made a mockery of the administrative processes and procedures of the company (Sun, 2012). The cultural demands made the company have ultimatums of carrying out changes and the administrators were reduced to mere puppets. With the many cultural demands which were being led by the government agencies, the company’s administration faced leadership challenges and internal conflicts. The administration eventually in order to comply with the ever growing cultural demands had to fully change from their norm

Friday, November 15, 2019

Hofstedes cultural analysis framework and explores

Hofstedes cultural analysis framework and explores Executive Summary This report briefly explains the main concepts of Hofstedes cultural analysis framework and explores the ways in which it helps to understand different cultures. Using a simple analytical style it applies the main concepts of Hofstedes theory to the two different countries of Saudi Arabia and UK. From this analysis it attempts a comparison between the two cultures and tries to suggest some modest advice for a UK based manager who is going to work for a local organization in Saudi Arabia. This report is not a very detailed research and uses some limited secondary research from the internet and the books to attempt this analysis. The resulting conclusions and recommendations are therefore in the nature of broad generalisations and not a detailed training module on cultural adaptation which could require much more detailed and rigorous research. Introduction This paper attempts to apply Hofstedes analytical framework to the two countries of Saudi Arabia and the UK to determine the main differences and similarities between them. Cultural differences make a significant impact upon business styles and processes in any country and therefore studying these allows a business to enter and function successfully in a new country. Therefore, a model of the type evolved by Hofstede is extremely useful to help in understanding and implementing any businesss strategy in a new country. This paper is organized into 4 main sections. Section 1 is the discussion of the theoretical contents of Hofstedes model. It describes the main features of the model, explains their application and also critically analyses them. The section further suggests the utility as well as the limitations of the model. Section 2 of the paper describes and evaluates the culture of Saudi Arabia using the model framework as a basis. Each element of Hofstedes model is applied to the Saudi Arabian work place. Using the analysis derived from the model application an overall picture of the Saudi Arabian economy is drawn within this section. Section 3 of the paper describes and evaluates the culture of the UK using the same model framework of Hofstede. Analyzing the main characteristics of the UK culture the section once again attempts a summation of the work culture within the country. Section 4 of the paper is the conclusion section that attempts to summarize the main cultural similarities and differences between UK and Saudi Arabia and the implications of the same for business. Section 5 of the paper is the recommendations section which attempts to build a small toolkit that could be relevant for the young British Manager called James who is going to work for a local organization in Saudi Arabia. Using the main conclusions from previous section this part of the paper tries to develop a blue-print to help this new manager survive in the new culture and society. Discussion of the model Geert Hofstede (1967- 1973) worked extensively in the field of cultural studies across different countries across the globe. Studying different cultures and their work related characteristics, this researcher developed a four dimensional model of intra country culture. Towards his later years he developed a fifth element within this model but the importance of the main elements remains undiminished to date. According to Hofstede country cultures can be broadly ranked along the following five main dimensions. Power Distance Index This focuses on the degree of power/wealth/influence inequality among the people within any country. Countries that rank high on this index have hidden caste systems that effectively differentiate between rich and poor and privileged and under-privileged. The poor are unable to better themselves easily in this society as they are blocked at various levels by the rich and influential. The culture within the work place favours the rich and many subtle laws, rules and regulations hinder the easy upward mobility of the poor. On the other hand countries that rank low on this index have societies that are more equal and where power wealth and influence does not determine access to many services and facilities. Individualism Individualism is the one side versus its opposite, collectivism, that is the degree to which individuals are integrated into groups. On the individualist side we find societies in which the ties between individuals are loose: everyone is expected to look after him/herself. On the collectivist side, we find societies in which people from birth onwards are integrated into strong, cohesive in-groups, often extended families (with uncles, aunts and grandparents) which continue protecting them in exchange for unquestioning loyalty. For example, Germany can be considered as individualistic with a high score (89) on the scale of Hofstede compared to a country like Guatemala where they have strong collectivism (6 on the scale). Masculinity This dimension focuses on how extent to which a society stress achievement or nurture. Masculinity is seen to be the trait which emphasizes ambition, acquisition of wealth, and differentiated gender roles. Countries differ in terms of the importance given to the male ideal of work related achievement and ambition. In countries with high masculinity scores the male is often given a much higher status in the work place than the female. On the other hand gender based discrimination is very low in the countries where masculinity scores are low. Uncertainty avoidance This dimension focuses on how cultures adapt to changes and cope with uncertainty. Emphasis is on extent to which a culture feels threatened or is anxious about ambiguity. Uncertainty tolerance and risk taking ability differ within different societies. In countries where this index is high, entrepreneurial activity tends to be widespread across society. On the other hand in countries where this index is low, people tend to move away from risk bearing and governments also tend to over legislate and restrict entrepreneurial activity. Long Term Orientation Long-Term Orientation is the fifth dimension of Hofstede which was added after the original four to try to distinguish the difference in thinking between the East and West. Long-Term Orientation (LTO) focuses on the degree the society embraces, or does not embrace, long-term devotion to traditional, forward thinking values. High Long-Term Orientation ranking indicates the country prescribes to the values of long-term commitments and respect for tradition. Low Long-Term Orientation ranking indicates the country does not reinforce the concept of long-term, traditional orientation. In this culture, change can occur more rapidly as long-term traditions and commitments do not become impediments to change. Applying Hofstedes model to Saudi Arabia The Geert Hofstede analysis for Saudi Arabia is almost identical to other Arab countries their Muslim faith plays a large role in the peoples lives. The Large Power Distance (PDI) (80) and Uncertainty Avoidance (UAI) (68) are predominant Hofstede Dimension characteristics for the countries in this region. These societies are more likely to follow a caste system that does not allow significant upward mobility of its citizens. They are also highly rule-oriented with laws, rules, regulations, and controls in order to reduce the amount of uncertainty, while inequalities of power and wealth have been allowed to grow within the society. The high Uncertainty Avoidance Index (UAI) ranking of 68, indicates the societys low level of tolerance for uncertainty. There is both a rigid and subtle hierarchy within society with very little scope for people to avoid their designated role or status in life. People also fully accept this role in life as a part of their cultural heritage. The masculinity scores within Saudi Arabia are not very higher than average across the world. According to Michael Wolfe (1998), the author of The Hadj : An Americans pilgrimage to Mecca this suggests that the inferior role of women in Saudi society can be traced to religious roots rather than cultural roles. There are extensive rules of etiquette while in business meetings and other social interactions both between men as well as between men and women. This tends to often be more onerous for women than for men. Still one could argue that women are often protected from male over exploitation by religious injunctions that forbid various acts. Silence is often considered to be a symbol of understanding wisdom and power. The most powerful people at business meetings a re often the silent observers and as underlined by the most active communicators could be the least influential. The individualism scores for Saudi Arabia are clearly among the lowest nations of the world suggesting that the society is very communistic with a great preference for long term tribal and familial loyalties. There is much evidence that Saudi Arabia is a long term orientated culture. Applying Hofstedes model to UK The UK represents a radically different society when analyzed using Hofstedes framework when compared to Saudi Arabia. The UK has very low uncertainty avoidance, power distance and long term orientation scores highlighting the fact that the country is modern and progressive in its outlook with few rules and regulation. The low power distance scores illustrate the long tradition of UK as a nation where people expect to be ruled by consent and prefer leaders who consult extensively and allow participation by the staff. . In this sense the UK is very different from Saudi Arabia. The UK scores 89 for Individualism. This is high and therefore points to that fact that British culture values and promotes individuality. On a macro level we see that the nuclear family is the more predominant form of basic social structure. On a micro level, in the business environment the individual may be more concerned with themselves rather than the team. There is great emphasis placed on individualism wit h almost every part of society rewarding individual achievement .There are very few familial links that continue through the life of the individual and people do not in general belong to clans or tribes which reward loyalty like in Saudi Arabia.. The UK scores 66 which indicates that it is somewhere in the middle. This may reflect the fact that British society and culture aims for equality between the sexes, yet a certain amount of gender bias still exists underneath the surface. The moderately strong masculinity scores reflect a male oriented society but still not as male dominated as Saudi Arabia. The low uncertainty avoidance scores of the UK reflect the general comfort of the population in the work place as well as in the social arena. The existence of a religious police in the latter country is a clear example of the uncertainty avoidance scores of the country. In the UK people in general social life are not expected to express emotions and stay rather phlegmatic. Different religious beliefs and cultural values are expected to stay in tolerant harmony side by side without any conflict unlike in Saudi Arabia. Conclusions and Recommendations Clearly the above discussion illustrates how even a simple application of Hofstedes framework to the cultures of Saudi Arabia and UK result in considerable wealth of information about the relative aspects of the cultures of the two countries. It is quite clear that for a manager from the UK working within the culture of Saudi Arabia will be a great challenge. The entire cultural experience would be very different given the constraints within that country. The power distance would imply that the manager would need to keep his distance from the subordinates and ensure that at all times he is in line with the cultural etiquette. Similarly he would also need to ensure that given the large number of social rules and regulations he does not offend any of his hosts. The decorum must always be maintained and he must never go against the social customs of the place both in the office and society interactions. He should also keep in mind the collective nature of the society and the fact that he should never offend the tribal loyalties and be aware of the various cultural attachments of his subordinates as well as his peers. Once again either talking too much or talking too little would not be optimal particularly in conferences and meetings. There is also the need to appear masculine and in control to an even greater extent than in the UK. He must ensure that nobody in the work place in particular views him to be less than in complete control partly because of the need to appear to be in control and partly due to the masculinity aspect. The fact that there is much greater need for uncertainty avoidance within Saudi Arabia implies that the manager should ensure that he is always taking decisions and directing his employees and subordinates to a much greater extent than he was used to in UK. The employees in Saudi Arabia will not respect a boss who delegates his decision making to the extent that is quite common in the UK. Also there needs to be greater clarity about who does what unlike in the UK where employees can be expected to take decisions as well as add value in decision making of their own accord. In all these issues the manager also needs to be alive to the peculiar and unique cultures within the specific organisation that he intends to work in within Saudi Arabia. Overall it is clear that the manager from England will have to learn a great deal apart from the local language. He will need to master the local cultural etiquette, social idiom as well as the various rules and regulations. At all times he will have to display a modesty and cultural adaptability in order to meet the approval of his seniors as well as his peers.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

A Turkish Student and the Board of Regents :: Argumentative Persuasive Essays

A Turkish Student and the Board of Regents In what ways can Iowa State University be improved? Responses to this question could vary widely depending on the background of the subject being interviewed. Perhaps an international student might suggest a new club or organization designed to acclimate foreign students to life on campus. However, John Couch, an international student from Turkey, had a much more unique response. Having a wide variety of friends isn't a large concern of his. He is more concerned with how the university is being run and the different boards and comities, in a particular the Board of Regents. John's opinion is that the Board of Regents isn't hearing the concerns of the students. In fact, they appear to be concerned less with the needs of the students and more concerned with the issues of funding. It is very unfortunate that the budget of the university has been cut, but the Board must still attempt to maintain a good relationship with the student body. The quality of education at Iowa State has suffered because of these budget cuts, and the Board has not posted any viable methods to attempt to replenish any of those lost dollars. When asked if he had any suggestions for going about this daunting task, John was unsure. There is definitely a need for more support to aid research, building renovations, and to allow for more teachers, reducing overall class sizes. John's opinion was influenced by his initial experiences at Iowa State. John spent two years in Iowa attending high school before choosing Iowa State. Even though when he graduated his family was still far away in Istanbul, Turkey, John was ready for college. He didn't know if he would fit in or if the other people would make fun of him, he just knew he was going to have fun and learn. John had heard about an organization called a fraternity and thought it sounded interesting. He would eventually join the university's chapter of Sigma Alpha Epsilon and would meet many new people.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Microwavable frozen foods

United States and China had been seemingly a stable economic partner since years ago. Trades were often made between these two big countries hence China became the third economic partner of US. And also became second in terms of exports to the US. On the other hand, exports were also given to Chin. It is simply stated that China and US were mutual in economic relations.In the Case of Microwavable Frozen Foods that we wish to export to China. The goal is to have great trade by having great facilitation on the trade that will be occurring between China and US on the exports to be presented by China(Richelson). There is really the need of understanding the wellness of good trade facilitation as well as the neediness of the good for the target company.A good must be considered really consumable for the consumers of the company.   A good trade facilitation would lead efficiently to the smoothly flow of the transactions as well as simplifying the process, documentation and information to be held during the transactions. Smooth flow of transaction may lead to lessen burdens especially with the cost of business trade and great security and control. Being an international trade, during the transaction there must be some factors to be considered the contract to be made regarding the border and custom issues and transport services.When dealing with international trade, awareness to the business transaction made is a great factor to have high performance in the business world(My Own Business). In the export of microwavable frozen foods, we should consider the type of product that we wish to present to our trade partner by ensuring a highly rated product to achieve mutual pleasures between your partner and the exporter yourself.Contracts should be also one of the necessary materials in doing international transactions even only locally. A contract can ensure that your goods will be at good or it is naturally needed for the development on good partnership. Indeed, contacts are capable for the mistakes that would possibly do during the transaction and trade. With contracts, trade partner were both attain benefits especially during fault and blunder for the transactions. With contacts, both parties are well secured for the deal and companies as well be secured.When dealing only with the company for the transaction to be made, there is also the need to understand and to be aware of the country’s laws for any exports to be received by the company within the country. It is the responsibility as a exporter to perceive all necessary transaction procedures to be made.The exportation must be guided according to the Border and Customs ruling of China where our business partner was located(McIntyre). This method of knowing more about borders and custom rulings will improve the efficiency of the trade as well as run smoothly due to conformity to the rule. There was also sometimes that before making the transaction, there is a need for the presence of any business related offices as well as security offices for the importing country to manage the trade simultaneously and secured.Regarding with this, the paper document as well as the good must be presented first to the clients together with their business lawyers for the preparation of good del and agreement to be held in the near future. With the help of each lawyers of both parties, deal and agreements will be efficiently be made and completed. Prior to the aid of lawyers, the risks of ignorance to the deal and agreement will be merely obliterated.Financing the exportations of goods was truly beneficial as well as other requirements such as contract and agreement. Any financing requirement must be fulfilled eagerly for the progress for the progress of the transactions(Co.). Because making a great transaction is relevant for the payment of your exported Goods. Cost of good also should be considered, because the target company was not only making agreement with one exporting company.A ttractive and competitive pricing of Goods should be recognized as looking for the business as a competitive one. Because they were not only dealing with us, we must consider other rivals pricing or cost of good to be able to cope up with the competition in the world of business most likely in the world of exportations. As a response to other goods prices, we can offer credits and extend their payment dues and this will enable our transaction that would take place in place of other exporters.Regarding with the international trade there still one important thing that should be discussed; this is the American Depository receipt or ADR. This is simply known to be non other than share of stocks acquired by non US companies for their trade with US Company(Kamlet and Regnery). This is an efficient way of handling trade of non US Company with us because they can acquire share of stocks that can be invested when any trade was made between our company and theirs. This is a great help to them if they wishes to stock trade in any US stock exchange.Being an exporting company, these were truly considerable facts and details that we be looking upon when dealing with our clients especially in abroad. Having knowledge with these things would remarkably a great sense of competition that would further be accomplished. Paying attention to the client’s yearning and yearning would be capable for us to manifest a good business performance alongside with other big companies surrounding us. Preparing for these activities such as trading would not be as tough if we consider all the things of factors of a good and competitive business and also it will help lessen any risks for any transactions to be made.Work Cited:Co., Unz &. â€Å"Financing Export Transactions.† 1999.Kamlet, Art, and George Regnery. â€Å"Stocks – American Depositary Receipts.†Ã‚   (2002).McIntyre, Doug. â€Å"Investing in China.†Ã‚   (2007).My Own Business, Inc. â€Å"Internationa l Trade.† 2007.Richelson, Jeffrey T. â€Å"China and the United States: From Hostility to Engagement, 1960-1998 †Ã‚   (1999).

Friday, November 8, 2019

Essay Apush notes

Essay Apush notes Essay Apush notes 1790-1860 Reviving Religion Thomas Paine promoted the doctrines of Deism. Deists relied on science rather than the Bible and they denied the divinity of Christ. They did believe in a Supreme Being who had created a universe and endowed human beings with a capacity for moral behavior. Unitarianism spun off of Deism. Unitarians believed that God existed in only one person. It appealed to mostly intellectuals. The Second Great Awakening came in 1800. Women were a large part of it. Peter Cartwright- a revivalist, traveling preacher who converted thousands to Christianity. Charles Grandison Finney- one of the greatest revivalist preachers. Denominational Diversity Many preachers preached in Western New York where the Puritans settled. The Second Great Awakening widened the lines between the classes and regions. The more prosperous and conservative denominations in the East were little touched by revivalism, and Episcopalians, Presbyterians, Congregationalists, and Unitarians continued to rise mostly from the wealthier, better-educated levels of society. The issue of slavery split the churches apart. A Desert Zion in Utah Joseph Smith- formed the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons) in 1830 when he deciphered the Book of Mormon from some golden plates given to him by an angel; led the Mormons to Illinois. After Joseph Smith was killed 1844, Brigham Young led the Mormons to Utah to avoid persecution. Free Schools for a Free People Tax-supported public education came about between 1825 -1850. Americans eventually saw they had to educate their children because the children were the future. The teachers of the schools were mostly men and did not know how to teach. There were not very many schools in the U.S. because of their high costs to communities. Horace Mann- campaigned effectively for a better schooling system. Higher Goals for Higher Learning The first state-supported universities showed up in the South in 1795. The University of Virginia was founded by Thomas Jefferson. Women's schools at the secondary level came in the 1820s because of Emma Willard. An Age of Reform States gradually abolished debtors' prisons due to public demand. Criminal codes in the states were being softened. The number of capital offenses was being reduced. The idea that prisons should reform as well as punish arose. Dorothy Dix- traveled the country, visiting different asylums; released a report on insanity and asylums; her protests resulted in improved conditions for the mentally ill. In 1828, the American Peace Society was formed. It was led by William Ladd. Demon Rum - The "Old Deluder" The problem of drinking was found in women, clergymen, and members of Congress. The American Temperance Society was formed in 1826. Its crusaders persuaded drinkers to stop drinking. The problem of drinking tore down the family structure. Neal S. Dow- thought that alcohol should be removed by legislation; "Father of Prohibition"; supported the Maine Law of 1851 which banned the manufacture and sale of liquor in Maine. (The country banned the sale of alcohol with the 18th amendment in 1918.) Women in Revolt In the early 19th century, the role of women was to stay at home and be subordinate to her husband. Women could not vote and when married, she could not retain her property. Women actually started to avoid marriage. Gender differences were emphasized in the 19th century because the market economy was separating women and men into distinct economic roles. Feminists met at Seneca Falls, New York in a Woman's Rights Convention in 1848 to rewrite the Declaration of Independence to include women. Wilderness Utopians Robert Owen- founded in 1825 a communal society in order to seek human betterment. All utopias failed. The Dawn of Scientific Achievement Americans were more interested in

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Pressure distribution on an ellipto-zhukovsky aerofoil Essay Example

Pressure distribution on an ellipto Pressure distribution on an ellipto-zhukovsky aerofoil Paper Pressure distribution on an ellipto-zhukovsky aerofoil Paper The pressure distribution around an Ellipto Zhukovsky aerofoil with a chord of 254 mm at a range of angles of attack (-4? , 7? and 15? ) was determined and pressure contributions to lift were evaluated in a T3 wind tunnel at City University. This was carried out at a chord Reynolds number of 3. 9 x 105. Graphs for lift and pitching moment coefficients were plotted against angles of attack. A graph for Cm and Cl was also plotted from which the aerodynamic centre was determined to be 23. 7%. The value of lift curve slope was determined to be 4. 4759. Hence the value of k (the ratio of the actual lift curve slope to the theoretical one) for this aerofoil was determined to be 0. 917. The value of Cmo was also found to be 0. 0172. Specimen calculations for 15 degrees angle of attack can be found in the appendix section. LIST OF SYMBOLS Cp Pressure Coefficient Cpu Pressure Coefficient of upper surface Cpl Pressure Coefficient of lower surface Cl Lift Coefficient Cm Moment Coefficient x/c Position of pressure tapping on aerofoil divided by chord length Px Pressure at tapping x (Pa) Patm Atmospheric Pressure (Pa) ? Density of air (kg/m3) i Dynamic viscosity ? Kinematics viscosity (m/s2) h Digital manometer reading ? angle of which manometer is inclined D or t Diameter of cylinder (mm) h tunnel height (mm) V Velocity of air flow (m/s) R Molar gas constant (J/kg. K) T Temperature (K) Re Reynolds Number INTRODUCTION An airfoil is any part of an airplane that is designed to produce lift. Those parts of the airplane specifically designed to produce lift include the wing and the tail surface. In modern aircraft, the designers usually provide an airfoil shape to even the fuselage. A fuselage may not produce much lift, and this lift may not be produced until the aircraft is flying relatively fast, but every bit of lift helps. The first successful aerofoil theory was developed by Zhukov sky and was based on transforming a circle onto an aerofoil-shaped contour. This transformation gave a cusped trailing edge, and so the transformation was modified to obtain a slender semi-eclipse trailing edge, which gave rise to the name Ellipto Zhukovsky. When a stream of air flows past an aerofoil, there are local changes in velocity around the aerofoil, and consequently changes in static pressure in accordance with Bernoullis theorem. The distribution of pressure determines the lift, pitching moment, form drag, and centre of pressure of the aerofoil. In our experiment we are concerned with the effect of pressure distribution on lift, pitching moment coefficient (Cm), and centre of pressure. The centre of pressure can be defined as the point on the aerofoil where Cm is zero, and therefore the aerodynamic effects at that point may be represented by the lift and drag alone. A positive pressure coefficient implies a pressure greater than the free stream value, and a negative pressure coefficient implies a pressure less than the free stream value (and is often referred to as suction). Also, at the stagnation point, Cp has its maximum value of 1 (which can be observed by plotting Cp against x/c). Zhucovsky claimed that the aerofoil generates sufficient circulation to depress the rear stagnation point from its position, in the absence of circulation, down to the (sharp) trailing edge. There is sufficient evidence of a physical nature to justify this hypothesis and the following brief description of the Experiment on an aerofoil may serve helpful. The experiment focuses on the pressure distribution around the Zhucovsky airfoil at a low speed and the characteristics associated with an airfoil:  coefficient of lift,   coefficient of pitching moment   and centre of pressure. The airfoil is secured to both sides of the wind tunnel with pressure tappings made as small as possible not to affect the flow,(appendix- photo 1 . The pressure difference around the airfoil is measured with twenty-five manometer readings which are recorded for each angle of attack. The manometer fluid is alcohol and has a specific gravity of 0. 83 and inclined at an angle of 30 degrees. Tube 1 is left open to atmospheric pressure, while tubes 2-13 are the lower surface of the airfoil and tubes 14-24 are the upper surface of the airfoil. The pressure tapings are positioned on the airfoil at a distance x/c, noted in the results table and tube 35 is the static pressure of the wind tunnel. The dynamic pressure is given by a digital manometer. The digital readout results were used for all calculations because they are more precise. Results Raw data and calculated values for x/c, Cp and Cp(x/c) can be found in the appendix. Graphs of Cp against x/c for angles of attack -4, 7, and 15 degrees can be also be found in the appendix. These graphs determine the lift coefficient. Counting the squares method was used to determine the values of Cl. Graphs of Cp*(x/c) against x/c for angles of attack -4, 7, and 15 degrees can be also be found in the appendix. These graphs determine the pitch moment coefficient. Counting the squares method was used to determine the values of Cm. Graphs of Cl against angle of attack ,Cm against angle of attack, and Cm against Cl can be found in the appendix. Also below is a summary of the results: Angle of Attack (degrees) Cl Cm -4 -0. 513 0. 153 7 0. 740 -0. 166 15 0. 946 -0. 183 Discussion The experiment was conducted in a low speed, closed wind tunnel, operating at approximately 50% of its speed. The aerofoil was mounted in the wind tunnel and its pressure tapings connected to a manometer inclined at 30 degrees to the horizontal. The height of the liquid in each manometer tube represented the pressure acting on each of the aerofoil tapings. The pressure in the working section, and the pressure at the venturi inlet were taken into account, and a resulting wind tunnel velocity was displayed on a digital manometer. The Reynolds number was calculated (see appendix. Values of Cl and Cm for other angles of attack were obtained from other groups conducting the experiment, and were used to obtain more accurate graphs. It was also found that the slope of the Cl against angle of attack graph was 4. 4759, which was not relatively close to the theoretical value of 7. 105. The aerodynamic centre was calculated at 23. 7% of the chord length (from the slope of the Cm against Cl graph). It was found that the lift increased with angle of attack, up to a point where the aerofoil experiences stall, and a dramatic loss of lift occurs. As there was little change in the lower surface pressure distribution, the lift was mainly generated due to the upper surface suction. As the angle of attack increases, the height of the upper surface suction peak should increase, and move forward, indicating that the centre of pressure is moving forward. However, experimentally this was not prominent, and can be attributed to a possible disturbance in the pressure distribution around the aerofoil. At zero degrees angle of attack, for a symmetrical aerofoil, lift and Cm should equal zero. The reason that they were not zero means that the aerofoil must have had a very small angle of attack. The discrepancy between the theoretical and experimental value of lift curve slope is due to boundary layer effects, and the effect of the thickness of the aerofoil, and thus the theoretical value needs to be multiplied by the k value (=0. 917) to obtain the experimental result. Conclusion The aim of the experiment was achieved with a relatively good level of experimental accuracy. The pressure distribution over an aerofoil contributes towards the lift and pitching moment coefficient, where the increase in suction on the upper surface (due to an increased angle of attack) increases the lift, and pitching moment coefficient. The variation of pressure distribution also affects the location of the centre of pressure. The factors which affected the pressure distribution, were mainly the thickness and the Reynolds number. However, when it comes to comparing the results with their theoretical values it is clear to see that there have been significant errors have occurred in the experiment. These are listed below. Human errors in reading of the manometer tubes. Where several people were involved and this led to different techniques being used it would have been best for everyone to take their own set of readings and the average value calculated using all the data. The most common error without ant doubt was parallax and this could have been avoided by using digital measuring devices. Calculation errors i. e. rounding off, conversion error and error occurring when the area under the graphs was calculated for the coefficient of lift.   Experimental errors some of the tapping may have been defective and not enough tapping were provided. Also to obtain a better lift curve slope there should have more angles of attack. Also any obstructions in front of the wind tunnel such as people would create unnecessary turbulence inside the wind tunnel. Appendix Specimen Calculations.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Accounting 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Accounting 1 - Essay Example The organization had elaborate risk assessment about which every employee was cognizant. The organization conducted risk awareness and emergency response training regularly. Fire extinguishers were regularly checked and replaced and there were notices providing information on what do in the event of a hazard. The management routinely supplied employees with the latest information on common and emergent risks. I realized that the organization monitored and reviewed its internal controls periodically. The petty cash was checked at the end of every week and recommendations given on what to avoid and what to improve. Internal controls that were found ineffective or failing after monitoring were replaced and others were improved in order to enhance their functionality. The organization had a comprehensive yet simple way of reporting risks to the relevant officials in which everybody knew the most immediate person to approach. The organization had good information and communication system in place. The management issued memos in good time when calling for a meeting and every employee was issued with a copy of previous meeting’s minutes with the day’s agenda. The management was respectful in the way it summoned employee for disciplinary action and they did not let other employees know about it. The most outstanding element of the organization’s internal controls was its control activities. The duties of different individuals were separated and every individual knew what they were supposed to do and what to forward to the next person. This was most evident in the accounts department where duties such as approval of purchases, reception of deliveries, approval of invoices, review, and reconciliation of financial records were handled by different people. There were clear procedures for transactional authorization where there were officers entrusted with authorizing purchases and payments. No such transactions could be undertaken

Friday, November 1, 2019

Chest Pain Clinical Examination Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Chest Pain Clinical Examination - Essay Example This can be done mainly through eliciting the history in fair detail. As a nurse practitioner in the community, I will be facing many cases of chest pain. Recently I had to manage such a case and I believe that the experience has equipped me with confidence. I adopted a structured approach to evaluate the case and progress through a mental checklist for eliciting the essential historical details (Reigle, 2005). The collected relevant data helped the decision- making and subsequent management. Case Presentation Respecting the confidentiality and privacy of the patient, I met her in the emergency department where I was working. With her consent, as she was conscious and answering, I elicited the history of the chest pain from Mrs John. Mrs John, 81 years old and weighing 85 kg., had been brought to the Emergency Department by her son. I followed the mnemonic TROCAR for eliciting the history of the presenting complaint of chest pain. She had a sudden but mild chest pain while she was in bed. Time of onset was when she woke up with it at 6a.m. and first dismissed it as indigestion. As it was not giving way after her antacid liquid, she called her son. Also experiencing shortness of breath, the duration of pain had lasted for the past forty minutes. Mrs. John had fatigue since the previous night, something she was not accustomed to. Radiation of the left-sided chest pain was to the back. Onset was sudden. The character of the pain was a dull aching sensation. There was no particular aggravation or relief. The severity remained constant as a dull pain. It was a left sided chest pain. The excessive sweating worsened her fatigue. She was reluctant to go to hospital but her son insisted on it. She had then been brought to my department where I was on duty. Past History revealed that she had been a hypertensive on treatment for the past twenty years. There was a history of irregularity in treatment at times. The mild senile dementia with partial loss of memory that the l ady suffered from was the cause of the irregular treatment. Now her son was in charge of giving her the medicine. She became diabetic fifteen years ago and was on oral anti-diabetics since then. Seven years ago she had a fall injuring her left trochanter which was managed accordingly. She now walks with a limp. There was no history of allergies but she had been taking antacids on and off presumably for acid-peptic disease. Smoking was not her weakness and she had not travelled for a long time. Before retirement she was working as a personal secretary in an industrial concern. Family history revealed that two brothers had died of myocardial infarction but at a later age of around 85 years. Obesity was in the family too. Mrs. John’s mother had diabetes and died of renal failure. Nursing care plan This has been elaborated upon the mnemonic ADPIE (assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation and evaluation). Assessment On inspection, obviously obese Mrs. John appeared dyspnoei c taking short breaths with the respiratory rate being 28 per minute but regular. Her heart rate was 90 per minute and irregular at times due to ectopic beats. Her supine blood pressure was 200/120mm Hg. Palpation of abdomen did not reveal any abnormalities. Percussion ruled out fluid in the chest or abdomen. Auscultation elicited an irregular heart and tachypnea. During the general physical examination, I enumerated and eliminated non-cardiac causes; her symptom details helped me to distinguish her illness